Over 20 years ago the Property Misdescriptions Act came into force. The aim was to stop properties being described in a more favourable light than the actual reality. The PMA has now been superceded by The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and the Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008.
Bloor describe their “Hamilton home as an “extremely spacious” (122 square metres – 1313 sqft) four bedroom home with “spacious lounge” (3.61m x 6.5m) with a master bedroom that “benefits from a fantastic en suite facilities and fitted wardrobes”.Wow! Bloor also state that there is “an additional storage cupboard on the landing” (probably the airing cupboard) and that “a garage and driveway are also included” Sign me up now!
The specification states “turfed front gardens”, but looking at the development plan, that is not a lot of turf! Nearly all the homes are virtually at the back of the footpath as is the case with most new homes built over the last 10 years.
As far as prices go a four bedroom “Hamilton” new home will set you back £399,950. Or as Bloor are keen to point out £319,960 with HelpToBuy, meaning you need to find just a £20,000 deposit and be able to afford payments on your £300,000 mortgage to own 80% of this home! A 25-year mortgage at 3% interest means you need to find a massive £1,436 a month, half of which is interest. So much for ‘Help to Buy’ Mr Osborne!