Jeff Fairburn, Persimmon CEO e mail address is taken down

Jeff Fairburn 2sThe e mail address of Persimmon CEO Jeff Fairburn has been taken down. Previously you could write to him using now this is returned undeliverable. Let’s face it, if you are having ongoing problems with any new home the top man in charge needs to know. Otherwise how can company policy change and evolve? How can quality and service improve? As Persimmon Group CEO, Fairburn receives a salary of around £2million a year and should care about any problem his company’s customers have with the homes they build or the staff they employ.

If you get no joy from their regional office Managing Director, you should be able to escalate your complaint to the CEO. Now anyone wishing to do this is directed to his PA Alison Eastwood who customers can e mail using: But be warned, I have been told she will just refer you back to the regional office member of staff who you were having problems with in the first place!

This really does tell you everything you need to know, not only about the company, but also the man himself. Hiding behind his PA. His predecessor Mike Farley, was always accessible directly by e mail and even if he did nothing, buyers could at least tell him what they think about their new Persimmon home. Even the Persimmon’s own shareholders cannot e mail him now! 

Perhaps it all got too much that Fairburn’s Inbox was full each day with 1000’s of disgruntled purchasers telling him about their Persimmon new home woes!

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