The Home Builders Federation has recently released the results of the National New Home Customer Satisfaction Survey 2014. The first page of the “results” has been used by the HBF as an opportunity for a public relations promotion of new homes. Crikey, they must be good! Who would have known?
“High level of Homeowner satisfaction” “Customer satisfaction levels for new homes have consistently been extremely high”
Quite a claim considering that the results are from just 32,137 new home owners out of a total of the 109,370 new homes completed during 2013 – that’s just 29.4%! Only 55% of the surveys sent out were returned – or used to compile the results!
We have the old chestnuts that new homes are “fresh, bright and clean” – another surprise given that new homes are normally dark due to fewer and smaller windows and small cramped rooms. As for clean, many new homes are handed over in a terrible state after an ineffective builder’s clean. “Blank canvas” “better for the environment” – it’s all there, it’s all good, what’s not to like?